
Posted On: December 5th 2024 at 2:09 am | Add a Comment?
Categories: Overseas, Personal life, Rants, Travel

I wanted to blog about my flight experience when I had a 1h 50min layover at SFO airport. It was my third flight journey. My second flight (NRT – SFO) was delayed and I had to run to catch my third flight (SFO – PHX). I literally ran with my hand carry luggage to clear customs (25mins queue for a 30 secs check). Then ran to baggage claim to collect both of my checkin luggage. Then ran to drop off my checkin luggage followed by to the boarding gate. I made it just in time when the boarding starts.

Moral of the story: Try to book at least 2.5hrs layover for international to domestic flights next time.

Posted On: November 30th 2024 at 2:04 pm | Add a Comment?
Categories: Overseas, Personal life, Rants, Shopping, Travel

I almost messed up… I took free shuttle bus to go Fashion Square shopping mall at Scottsdale and scheduled a return trip back to hotel at the same point. However, the exit was closed because Dillard was closed so I couldn’t exit from there. Luckily I found another way back and was able to find my way out.

I was trying to find my way and remembered my way back in case it was wrong way. All these while trying to come up with plan B to book Uber ride from Fashion Square to the hotel. Then I was struggling to set the pick up point on the Uber app.

Then while walking out and hoping it is the right way, the shuttle bus came and I ran after it and made it in time. Luckily the driver saw me… Otherwise it could be quite scary. Somehow I was able to keep myself calm at that time given that the path is quite dark. Fortunately, there was a group of ladies walking the same path or it will be even scarier to walk alone in that path which is just next to a carpark. It could be quite dangerous for me to walk alone…

Posted On: November 30th 2024 at 1:55 pm | Add a Comment?
Categories: Overseas, Personal life, Rants, Travel

I was wide awake after sleeping for 1.5 hrs. It’s quite an achievement given that I usually cannot sleep much on flights. This time I have a goal – to sleep as much as I can without trying to match my destination timezone. Can fall asleep already very good liao haha. I shall not give myself too much pressure. 

I was able to sleep for 1 hr for my first flight (SIN – NRT) and 1.5 hrs so far for my second flight (NRT – SFO). I doubt I can sleep for the third flight (SFO – PHX) as it will be quite shaky since it is a smaller aircraft for domestic short distance flights. 

I hope jet lag won’t be too bad for me and I hope to achieve more than 4 hrs of sleep daily. Last year was especially tough with just 4 hrs of sleep a day during my entire US journey. Even Gulabi got worried for me because I hardly sleep… She knows I can really sleep and will keep snoozing my alarm usually. So she was quite worried why I can sometimes wake up before my alarm.

For my first flight, I was sitting at the front row seats for Premium Economy so there was quite a bit of leg room. Unfortunately I was seated next to a guy who decided to put his feet on the board in front of us. Then he was snoring as well. I can smell a bit of his smelly feet even though I was wearing a mask. I also can hear his snoring when I removed my headset. So I just keep wearing my headset (Bose NC 700) which simply cancels out his entire snoring noise. Definitely can trust Bose when it comes to Active Noise Cancellation. 🙂 

For my second flight, I was seated next to a rather judgemental white lady. She kept looking at what I am doing – using wet wipes to clean my seat, then my bracelets, etc. I was also munching on snacks during take off.

Actually I got a bit of blocked nose and sinus back flow before my flights so I was worried that the same issue that happened in my Hong Kong flights will happen. I realised I haven’t finished uploading my Hong Kong photos so the post about my flight experience is not out yet. 

Luckily so far so good so may it remain this way until the end of my entire trip.

Posted On: September 29th 2024 at 3:07 pm | Add a Comment?
Categories: Friendship, Personal life, Rants

I had a catch up with one of my colleagues after a long time over lunch on Friday and she was sharing about renovation for her current place as well as properties in general. I went to Ashley’s place for dinner catchup on Friday evening and we were talking about property investment in Indonesia, India and Singapore. I went to Lynn’s housewarming on Saturday afternoon and again, the topic on properties came up again.

Wow, have I reached the age whereby it is normal and very common to talk about properties or am I just attracting the same topic again and again? Hmm…

I guess… Welcome to the new era where every social gathering will cover the topic of property and asset accumulation? Lololol.

That’s also when you know you really is becoming older… I also noticed that I enjoyed just chit chatting with friends over a simple meal at their homes or just one of the homes. No need to go fancy cafe or anything to chat unlike in the past…

Posted On: September 13th 2024 at 7:41 pm | Add a Comment?
Categories: Insights, Personal life, Rants, Work

I’m counting my blessings at the work related opportunities that I receive.

Not everyone has a job and not worry about impending layoffs.

Not everyone gets to travel on business trips to other countries.

Not everyone gets budget to study/upskill themselves.

However, as much as I can get these opportunities, there will always be people who are jealous at what I get. I mean… If you don’t ask, you won’t get it, right? If you don’t deliver results, you won’t get it, right? This is a reminder to myself that there will always be jealous, negative and toxic people around.

“Yeah. We are our own person. If people are negative best to limit the interaction.

Cuz we are influenced by the top 5 people we hang out with.”

This is something that one of my mentors, Marie, told me. Not exactly linked to the jealousy I received from my colleagues but something where I asked for advice on.

Obviously people love to see and gossip about the good stuff that others receive, including myself. What others did not realise is the difficult times people have to go through. They also did not realise and did not want to see the amount of hard work people put in to receive these “good opportunities”.

As I grow older, I realised it is even harder to have people around you who truly appreciate what you have and are happy for your accomplishments.

I realised that as I become more self aware and mature, I am gaining more empathy and awareness on the effect of my words and actions. The world of the empathetic is tough.