  • « Hyundai Innovation Centre and visit to friend’s condo   
    September 29th 2024 , 3:07 pm
    Categories: Friendship, Personal life, Rants

    I had a catch up with one of my colleagues after a long time over lunch on Friday and she was sharing about renovation for her current place as well as properties in general. I went to Ashley’s place for dinner catchup on Friday evening and we were talking about property investment in Indonesia, India and Singapore. I went to Lynn’s housewarming on Saturday afternoon and again, the topic on properties came up again.

    Wow, have I reached the age whereby it is normal and very common to talk about properties or am I just attracting the same topic again and again? Hmm…

    I guess… Welcome to the new era where every social gathering will cover the topic of property and asset accumulation? Lololol.

    That’s also when you know you really is becoming older… I also noticed that I enjoyed just chit chatting with friends over a simple meal at their homes or just one of the homes. No need to go fancy cafe or anything to chat unlike in the past…

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