  • 25th July 2024 , 9:17 pm | Add a Comment?
    Categories: Makeup, Personal life, Work

    I was invited to give a talk on innovation and patents at my company’s innovation forum today and I delivered my virtual presentation to around 150 people. It was my first time presenting to so many people actually. The last virtual presentation I had was actually for less than 100 people. I was panicking internally…

    22nd July 2024 , 12:18 am | Add a Comment?
    Categories: House, Music, Personal life, Videos

    I’m so tempted to set up a full music production room in future. Just look at the video above. I can play the violin and also do a bit of music production. I kind of want to go learn the piano/keyboard too. I definitely can sing for sure. 🙂 I’m still debating if I want…

    18th July 2024 , 12:05 am | Add a Comment?
    Categories: Technology, Work

    I passed my CISSP exam today. I remembered how I struggled during the exam. It’s Computerized Adaptive Testing so that means that as you answer questions correctly, you will get tougher questions. Then when you answer them wrongly, you will get easier questions. That also means that you cannot go back to the previous question…

    15th July 2024 , 1:10 am | Add a Comment?
    Categories: Insights, Love, New stuff, Personal life, Rants, Shopping, Wants, Work

    It had been a tough week this week. I had to study for my CISSP exam, then work pressures from trying to get promotion and sudden increase in workload. Then I attended 2 days of FS-ISAC conference on Tuesday and Wednesday as well. The conference has pretty good food but I only took 2 photos…

    13th July 2024 , 9:27 pm | Add a Comment?
    Categories: Overseas, Personal life, Pictures, Travel, With my NEX

    I always love to explore Christmas decorations. It is especially lovely when it is night because the lights will be turned on and it will be quite beautiful. This time I went to Downtown Santa Monica and took a leisure walk with my colleague friend, Revathi. It was her first time to US and I…