  • 13th July 2024 , 9:22 pm | Add a Comment?
    Categories: Friendship, Personal life, Pictures, Travel

    After my work trip in Scottsdale, I extended my US trip with a vacation to Santa Monica, Anaheim and San Francisco. Flew to LAX and we checked into our hotel near Santa Monica beach/pier. We went to get our lunch at the pier and gosh, it was quite horrible tasting. It was my second time…

    7th July 2024 , 2:52 pm | Add a Comment?
    Categories: Friendship, Insights, Personal life

    I can really relate to this post from one of my favourite Hermes influencers. She is also a doctorate and working as a psychologist. In her words… So yeah, to the jealous ones, you can continue to stay jealous. To the haters, you just have to keep on hating because that’s literally all you can…

    7th July 2024 , 12:28 am | Add a Comment?
    Categories: Music, Videos, Wants

    It’s one of my favourite Japanese songs till date. Seeing this video is making me very tempted to get a white keyboard/piano for myself. Well, I’m not too sure if I have space though… I do need to start piano classes if I get it though. I still haven’t clear my violin diploma exam yet….

    5th July 2024 , 12:32 am | Add a Comment?
    Categories: Overseas, Personal life, Pictures, Travel, Work

    As I am wrapping up my work at Scottsdale, I took some photos and videos of my work trip before I embark on my personal vacation in US. I took this video when I was on the ride back to hotel from the office. I think I was in Ryan’s car at that time. I…

    1st July 2024 , 9:21 pm | Add a Comment?
    Categories: Food, Personal life, Pictures

    This got to be my favourite sweet/lollipop so far. It’s the mickey mouse lemon and cola candy that I discovered while shopping for toothbrushes at Welca. What an irony right? Haha, I love it so much that I already finished 2 packs of 5 of it so far… Need to find time to top up…