
Posted On: January 30th 2025 at 1:04 am | Add a Comment?
Categories: Personal life, Rants

Happy Chinese New Year everyone! This CNY has been peaceful so far. I managed to avoid my sister and brother-in-law so far so it has been peaceful. They came over and I went hide in my bedroom until they left. I’m definitely putting boundaries to protect myself and to prevent a repeat of last year CNY drama. My sister also didn’t give me red packet (angbao) via my parents so it is like saving money for them. My parents also didn’t give me angbao either so I am helping them to save money.

It’s not like they were looking for me when they visit either. My sister brought my nephew to my bedroom door and knock on the door when they are about to leave. Needless to say, I ignored the knocks. When my nephew said bye to me at the door, I also replied and wave towards the door too. It’s unfortunate but I need to set strong boundaries to protect myself. I would love to meet my nephew in person someday but I doubt it will happen anytime soon…

I received a call that my Hermes mini constance bag is back from Paris workshop after 5 months on the CNY eve so I went down on CNY Day 1 to collect it before heading for my gym workout. Haha. I’m getting more disciplined in exercising. 😀 Very happy that my bags are all united now. I should spend some time to take a bag family portrait haha.

Posted On: January 26th 2025 at 12:58 am | Add a Comment?
Categories: Insights, Personal life

This is a question that my leadership coach, Felicia Du, asked during my last coaching session yesterday.

I replied pretty quickly and said, “I have always being the odd one out so it is like normal.” Then she laughed and said something like if you are not exceptional then it is really odd for you. That was a really good question because subsequent questions, she was asking me to reflect why I always strive hard to be exceptional and what was the first time I was exceptional.

Then I thought back and realised that the first time it happened was when I am in primary 6. At a mere age of 11 years old (because I am a December baby), I managed to study hard in 1 month to do better than expected for my PSLE. I didn’t do well for my preliminary exams for PSLE. In fact, I was supposed to go into Normal Technical stream. I panicked at that time. My parents weren’t worried since they had never planned to send me for degree education. If I can somehow get a diploma, their job is completed because I can just go out to work with a diploma.

Luckily, I managed to get into Express stream after I got my actual PSLE scores. I got into the 4th class (out of 5 class) in the Express stream on my first year. After a year, I got into the 2nd class. In that second year, I realised I am a late bloomer and my academics went even better and I made it to the top 10 students in my entire school cohort for some school subjects. On my third year, I made it to the top class in Express stream and took up the triple science and double math subject combination. It is one of the hardest subjects combination offered by my neighbourhood secondary school at that time.

My coach then told me that among all of her clients (mostly in China), I have one of the rare strengths (Commander) and talents (most of my top strengths are in the Influencing/orange space), especially for a female. Everything is pointing towards leadership role for me but I am not in a leadership role somehow. She thinks I will end up in a leadership role somehow – be it within my current company or another company.

She also mentioned that a lot of her exceptional clients are driven because of childhood trauma- the need to impress their parents. Something that is quite linked to Asian culture. However, she can see that I have that fire in me which is quite different from the rest. I’m also quite used to being the exception and is comfortable with my own success. It is like the norm for me. 😀

I am also reflecting more on this topic and I think my fire was triggered by fear. The fear of inability to protect or take care of myself. If no one loves me then I should at least love myself. I think that’s the line that I have been telling myself everything I have a setback in family/relationships. As a result, I have to push myself to greater heights and achieve so much more that I am able to protect and take care of myself. That is probably the fire within myself. Driven by my desire for self protection.

It’s really interesting how my coach can sense this characteristic of me in the third session of coaching. I’m pretty impressed and no wonder she is working as an executive leadership coach for so many years…

Now back to doing the homework (journaling) that she gave me. Interesting how my career coach from US also gave me the same homework/feedback. I need to make sure that I don’t fall into the traps of my strengths and work on improving my awareness.

Posted On: January 2nd 2025 at 6:24 pm | Add a Comment?
Categories: New stuff, Personal life, Work

It’s my first day of work in 2025 and I am starting the work day right by waking up earlier than usual, reaching office earlier than usual and wearing brand new clothes (new top and jeans which I got from my US trip). Not to forget my new shoes from Sunny Steps and with my new perfume from Chanel (Les Exclusifs de Chanel Comete). Hehe. May this year be a great year and I hope I can get promoted this year. Fingers crossed!

Posted On: January 1st 2025 at 9:56 pm | Add a Comment?
Categories: Personal life

Happy New Year! I have blogged 106 posts in 2024. 🙂 That’s like an average of around 8 posts per month. 😮 Wow! That’s such a big jump from all the previous years…

I have reviewed the New Year resolutions I set for myself in 2024.

I definitely achieved this for physical and mental. Financially – I spent way too much this year. Glowing up is really expensive. Lol.

I definitely have improved in this. 🙂 I shall continue to keep up to this progress I am making.

Well, the move got delayed so I guess I still need to keep this goal this year.

It’s 2025 and I am still based in Singapore. Lol.

Anyway, for 2025, my new year resolutions are as follows.

Let’s see what I can achieve in this year. 🙂

Posted On: December 29th 2024 at 10:53 am | Add a Comment?
Categories: Food, Friendship, Overseas, Personal life, Pictures, Travel, With my NEX

I have to say the highlight of this Hong Kong trip is the food. Not sure if it is a sightseeing trip or a food trip hahaha.

We went to Jenny’s Bakery because Lay Lian and Xiao Wei both want to get snacks back to Singapore. Jenny’s Bakery is located in a very ulu place and I spotted some interesting sights along the way too.