
  • Posted On: June 5th 2024 at 11:18 pm | Add a Comment?
    Categories: Food, Friendship, Personal life, Pictures, Travel, With my NEX, Work

    I’m getting quite motivated to post more photos on Instagram since Alex and Jin Quan started the trend recently. So I thought why not post some of my old photos that I haven’t got time to edit/process them. Since I am making the effort to edit them, why not post it on Instagram then blog about it here right? Haha.

    I went to USA last November/December for my business trip. I extended the trip to visit Disneyland at Anaheim, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

    On Thanksgiving day, I have to make sure that I reach office as early as I can. I think I left the hotel at 6am and reached at 630am (before my director reached the office). We also managed to catch the sunrise in office and I took some photos of it. My colleagues told me in advance that there is a nice sunrise that can be seen from our seats so I brought my camera and tripod to try to take photos of the sunrise.

    Before the sunrise, I also saw the stars. It’s something that I don’t get to see often in Singapore, especially with the huge amount of light pollution.

    Most restaurants were closed for Thanksgiving Day so it was difficult to get dinner on that day. Luckily one of our colleagues sent us a list of places that is still open on Thanksgiving Day and we managed to get dinner at one of the places. The food is really nice too. One of the best meals I had in Phoenix for sure.

    Posted On: April 10th 2024 at 12:42 am | Add a Comment?
    Categories: New stuff, Personal life, Work

    Sakura got a new sakura bag from Pleats Mama. Haha, I actually blogged about it in here. It finally arrived tonight. So now I got new set of clothes from Goelia, new earrings from Mimi33 and a new bag from Pleats Mama. 😀 Whee! Okay, I should stop shopping completely now. It feels like it is Chinese New Year all over again haha.

    I am also preparing for my GCP Security exam followed by CISSP exam. I’m also heading to Hong Kong this year. I welcome all suggestions on what to eat, shop and sightsee for Hong Kong. 🙂 This is going to be my first trip to Hong Kong and same for my friends too. Feeling excited but also apprehensive because I broke my goal of not traveling this year. Oh well. Hopefully my finances are still okay after the trip. :/

    Posted On: March 9th 2024 at 2:17 pm | Add a Comment?
    Categories: Personal life, Work

    Happy International Women’s Day! Well, it’s technically 1 day late since it is 9 March today. 😀

    This year is especially special because of I realised just how little the female presence in the Cyber Security field or even in technology space. Swiping on apps certainly make me feel very, very rare because there aren’t many ladies in tech space. Lololol.

    Anyway, it’s a bit of pity that we don’t get gifts for the IWD. We did have activities though and I tried acrylic painting for the first time. I opted for the rose painting workshop and added stars into my painting as well.

    Well, the workshop was on 7 March and there were no activities on 8 March. I went for hotpot dinner with my Autodesk excolleagues and had a really good catchup.

    I went to office 4 days this week and whoa, it’s really tiring. So glad that I don’t need to do the same for next week – I hope. Fingers crossed!! I really need to find time to study for my GCP Security exam. Bleh. I haven’t even register for the exam yet. Gahhh.

    Posted On: March 3rd 2024 at 8:12 pm | Add a Comment?
    Categories: Personal life, Work

    After about 2 weeks of “break” from studying, it’s time to get back to the studying mood tomorrow again. I got my GCP Security certificate to renew. I’m done with my AWS Security and Azure Security certificates renewal so now it is left with GcP Security for this year.

    I also managed to get 2 new blouses from Uniqlo this weekend. I am loving the new Uniqlo C series. It helps in glowing up as well. Haha.

    Posted On: December 27th 2023 at 7:22 pm | Add a Comment?
    Categories: Personal life, Work

    Yay, it is my last day of leave! Well, I am quite bored and is ready to go back to work. Unfortunately I injured my finger and now I wonder how to use the mouse. Oh well. Got to use other fingers for it then.

    I’m going for my regular dermatologist appointment this week and have to tell her that I have another surgery scar that she has to manage/handle. Haha. It’s like giving her more work lol.

    I can’t wait for the year to end. This year has been too hectic and stressful for me. I did manage to achieve new records this year too so life is not all bad after all.

    Saying hi to all the work stuff as I am starting to clear some work emails now…