
Posted On: July 25th 2024 at 9:17 pm | Add a Comment?
Categories: Makeup, Personal life, Work

I was invited to give a talk on innovation and patents at my company’s innovation forum today and I delivered my virtual presentation to around 150 people. It was my first time presenting to so many people actually. The last virtual presentation I had was actually for less than 100 people. I was panicking internally and I think I have more filler words than I planned for. Nevertheless, it was quite an experience for me though.

After the presentation, I ordered a large cup of earl grey black tea latte with mini bubbles from Koi Signature. Such sinful and expensive drink haha. 🙂 So glad that I managed to complete the talk. 😀 I even make sure I put on full makeup for the virtual presentation.

In fact, my eyeliner ran out after I finished drawing 1 of the eye. Had to struggled to squeeze out as much as I can from the remaining eyeliner for my other eye. Glowing up has been expensive because first I finished my eyebrow pencil last year, now I finished my eyeliner. I have never used up these eye makeup products before. 😮

Hopefully my work continues the upwards trend and may I get promoted for the next promotion cycle.