  • « USA 2023 travelogue part 12: Random cafe at Santa Monica    USA 2023 travelogue part 14: The Getty museum »
    August 23rd 2024 , 12:44 am
    Categories: Food, Friendship, Overseas, Personal life, Pictures, Travel, With my NEX

    I don’t deny that I booked a flight to LA because of soondubu. Haha, I first discovered from Uber Eats back in my 2022 trip. I had an epic incident back in 2022 which I don’t think I blogged about it earlier. Anyway, the tldr is that I really love the seafood soondubu that I wanted to come back again in 2023. So here I am!

    Thankful that Gulabi joined me for lunch so we can order more food this time to share.

    So the story back in 2022 is that I took an Uber to Santa Monica Pier to take sunset photos then I went to the Tofu-Ya restaurant back public bus. Then somehow I decided to take public train back to my hotel at night. It was like 8pm or 9pm so it was quite late for someone to stay out late. I walked passed by under a bridge and saw many tents of homeless people and 1 homeless guy. It freaked me out and I was texting my colleagues on WhatsApp. I regretted and should have taken an Uber back. :/

    I reached the train station and missed my train. The train station at that time had 4 guys and it was fortunate that it was overhead station. It was feeling a bit unsafe to take Uber from the streets near the station especially when I saw a police car just parking there to monitor and some homeless people at the streets too. The area around seems dark and unsafe too. The train station seems the safest around the area too.

    Anyway, I stood near the Chinese guy who seems to be the most normal one in the station and made it back to the hotel safely. Somehow West LA felt more unsafe than Downtown LA. What an irony.

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