« Clearing my shows while flying…    Happy birthday to myself! »
December 11th 2024 , 4:41 am
Categories: Overseas, Personal life, Rants, Travel

Sigh, I only had 10 mins from arrival time from my first flight to the boarding time of my second flight. Luckily it is not too far away – just 10 gates away. 

My second flight is flying off earlier by 5 mins and the first flight was slightly delayed by the time I got out of the plane. So I literally walk straight from gate to gate with no chance to go to the toilet at the airport at all. By the time I walked to the gate, it is already boarding group 3 or 4 while I am boarding group 6.

I feel like I am running around airports in this trip so far. First it was my SFO – PHX journey, now it is my PHX – DTW – LGA journey. It is as though running in my airport is my nee cardio workout.

Now the plane is not moving because there is 1 guy who is like drunk or on drugs. He is like seated 1 row in front of me but on the other side of the plane. He kept talking and disturbing other female passengers. The air stewardess first moved the lady in the same row as him to a different seat. The guy next to him then move to the aisle seat and have a distance away from him. 

Then he started disturbing the female passenger in front of him and the air stewardess moved her to another seat and he started shouting. Shrugs. It’s like delayed by 1 hr which is like the total flight duration to New York from Detroit if we had depart on time. Other passengers are filming the commotion as well. 

In the end, all of us have to deplane with all our hand carry luggage and let the guy deplane last. I even saw police with guns when I exited the plane. Oh my. What a life drama. Luckily he caused the commotion before we fly. The downside? It’s like 1 hr delay now and I am still in Detroit. The flight time from Detroit to New York is 1 hr. Lol. Luckily it happened before takeoff or I am not sure how it will be during flight…

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