  • « USA 2023 travelogue part 9: Santa Monica Pier    A reflection of the past week »
    July 13th 2024 , 9:27 pm
    Categories: Overseas, Personal life, Pictures, Travel, With my NEX

    I always love to explore Christmas decorations. It is especially lovely when it is night because the lights will be turned on and it will be quite beautiful.

    This time I went to Downtown Santa Monica and took a leisure walk with my colleague friend, Revathi. It was her first time to US and I can see she is a bit anxious haha. I’m just like “aiya, heck care lah” kind of attitude. A bit of a daredevil to be walking at night in US. But it was okay since Santa Monica is like the rich people district. Lololol.

    The streets are relatively quiet and is quite different from Singapore.

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