  • « Discovering Small Muji miniature exhibition    Exploring Orchard like a tourist »
    May 24th 2024 , 1:20 am
    Categories: Personal life, Pictures

    I went to Peranakan Museum during Vesak Day (this Wednesday) and took some photos of the surroundings. I didn’t go for the paid exhibition. I might return just to explore the paid exhibition though. Let’s see if I ever get time…

    Well, nothing much have changed in the museum and I was kind of bored halfway through. Someone asked if I was bored and I said, “No, I am just tired.” Now that I think back, I was probably really bored lol.

    There was some workshop thingy whereby we can do braiding ourselves and this is what I made!

    Took some photos of nice architecture too…

    Don’t know why I am seeing chickens at town (City Hall) area but yeah. It’s quite white though.

    I also tried a new style that I was referencing based on Kim Ji Won airport fashion – white top with blue jeans. Well, I wore it with leggings jeans instead. I asked my friend to take a full body photo and sent it to my female friends and they said it don’t look too off and actually looks nice on me. Haha. It will be good for days when I don’t feel like dressing up or on days when I want to wear several of my pretty jewelleries haha. 🙂

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