    The psychology game of owning a property »
January 8th 2024 , 12:00 am
Categories: Personal life

Happy New Year! I’m quite happy that 2023 has ended. It was one of the toughest year in my life and on hindsight, I have grown and learned so much in the year. Nevertheless, I don’t want to go through more surgeries in my life anymore…

I’m going back to setting new year resolutions. 🙂

  • Put myself first – my physical, mental and financial health are more important than everything else.
  • Have more confidence in myself when it comes to trusting my gut and my ability in managing my financial health.
  • Don’t be too hard on myself this year – this is especially important when I have to do major packing and unpacking at the end of the year. I’m dreading it now as I am trying my best to declutter as much as I can… I need to remind myself that very little progress I made is still a progress!

I was reviewing my finances last night and is shocked at how much I have achieved. 🙂 I managed to undo the bad investment decisions I made back in 2022 and now it is back on track. 😀 Sometimes I just need to have more faith in myself. I’m pretty awesome and amazing that I surprised myself when I do the final calculations…

I injured my index finger on my right hand end of 2023 then injured my wrist at the start of 2024. I’m glad that both are on the road to recovery. No, I did not take medical leave for any of the injuries because I have too much work to clear when I am out for my vacation in LA and SF then medical leave due to a really bad flu (down for fever for 4 days) then a surgery.

I felt like I pushed myself too hard after my breakup last year. Yes, I did achieved what I want and got my life back on track. Yes, I managed to fix the delays in life goals in a few months which shocked many of my friends and acquaintances whom I recently met. But all these are at the expense of my body complaining and making me fall sick so many times last year… I had insomnia issues for putting too much pressure on myself as well. Well, what a normal person will take to achieve in years were completed by me in less than 3 months. It’s no wonder my body is complaining so much given the amount of pressure that I am under to get all fixed.

After the cancer scare, it’s time to prioritise my health more. I’m not sure if I will still be in Singapore when I review my 2024 year but let’s see how things turn out. 🙂 I’m already excited for the upcoming year. 😀

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